IP Protection and Security
Looking for a list of our Clients and Projects?
Better pause and read this.
How many ITO’s have you visited, who, without a moments hesitation proudly present a handful of eager engineers who gleefully demonstrate, and discuss the projects they’ve been working on-for someone else. Maybe even a commercial competitor in your industry.

If you ask this question at Enclave, don’t expect an answer. Don’t expect to be interviewing engineers assigned to other client engagements, don’t expect peeks at past & present projects. If you’re a commercial competitor to one of our clients, or a potential IP conflict, odds are you won’t get any farther than the lobby.
ODC’s at Enclave are operated under strict confidentiality and non-disclosure guidelines. And, we take security seriously at Enclave. Unless it’s authorized, it’s under wraps. Some of our ODC client’s have exclusivity clauses, which bar their commercial competitors from contract and access to the engineering center.
If security is a critical concern in your operation or vendor selection, Enclave’s worth a closer look.