Enclave ODC Process
There are three phases in establishing an Enclave ODC

Our Agile software development methodology ensures faster turn-around and delivery for customers. To ensure the highest level of quality within budget, scope, and time, Enclave focuses in these areas when operating an ODC: Security, Communication, Training, and Finance.
- Quickly scale up and down the dedicated team
- Accumulate the know-how
- Reduce your investment in infrastructure and human resource
- Our Agile software development methodology matches very well with ODC operation and customers will benefit from faster delivery turn-around
Development Process
We develop software applications using the Scrum methodology at Enclave. Scrum is an Agile method for project management with an iterative approach. The Scrum methodology manages the development process through many small steps, rather than trying to plan everything upfront. Its primary goal is to maximize the customer's ROI by creating working software rapidly and responding to changing requirements quickly.
Scrum relies on iterative development. This means that we focus on developing a product in short intervals of time (usually from two to four weeks). After each interval elapses, the direction of the project direction can be adjusted as needed to adapt to any new situation or circumstances. Each iteration is known as a “Sprint” and results in software functionality that is developed and tested progressively. The software can be deployed or shipped to the end users. Clients can provide feedback on any or all of the intermediate software builds. Clients have many opportunities to change the direction of the project if warranted by changing circumstances.
The Scrum methodology facilitates an exploratory approach to software development. It releases our clients from the challenge of having to deliver full requirements documentation up front. The agility of Scrum improves the transparency of projects by providing regularly updated information on the status of software development. This ensures that no issue are swept under the carpet and all stakeholders are kept aware of the team’s progress at all times.